Dr Medha Rajesh
Specialist Gynaecologist
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
15 years of experience
Al Khuwair (Oman)
About Dr Medha Rajesh
Dr Medha Rajesh Somkuwar is practicing as Obstetrician and Gynecologist in India as well as Oman for more than 10 years. She has been managing obstetrics and gynecologic emergencies like PIH, Eclampsia, Diabetes, PPH, shoulder dystocia and Ectopic pregnancies. Dr Medha Rajesh Somkuwar, have been attending various OBS and Gynae Conferences, symposiums throughout the world to update her knowledge and stay abreast with the latest guidelines in the subject. She has presented various papers in her capacity at different levels of OBS and Gynae symposiums and Conferences as well as international journals.
Excellence & Experience
Area of excellence
- High risk obstetrics
- Foetal medicine
- Infertility
- Contraception
- Female genital infections
- Oncology
Level of Experience
- She has worked as Tutor and Lecturer in Department of OBS and Gynaecology, NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur, India
- She worked as specialist in OBS and GYNAE in Oman with private healthcare sector as well as with OBS and Gynaecology Department, Nizwa Hospital, Ministry of Health, Oman
Awards & Academics
List of awards
Academics Details
- MBBS - Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sewagram, Wardha, India
- Diploma in gynecology and Obstetrics (DGO) - Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sewagram, Wardha, India.
- Mater of Sciences (M. S) - American Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Seychelles. Cleared MRCOG Part 1 and pursuing Part 2
Out Patient Timings
The outpatient timings at Badr Al Samaa Hospitals have been planned in such a way that your choice of doctor is available whenever you are free.
Sunday |
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
5:00 PM
9:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
Monday |
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
5:00 PM
9:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
Tuesday |
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
5:00 PM
9:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
Wednesday |
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
5:00 PM
9:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
Thursday |
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
5:00 PM
9:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
Friday | ||
Saturday |
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |
5:00 PM
9:00 PM
Al Khuwair - Oman |