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International Albinism Awareness Day

People with #albinism face multiple forms of discrimination worldwide. Albinism is still profoundly misunderstood, socially and medically. On the occasion of International Albinism Awareness Day, let's learn some of the most important facts about Albinism and help to spread awareness to end the #stigma. يواجه الأشخاص المصابون بالمهق أشكالا متعددة من التمييز في جميع أنحاء العالم. المهق لا يزال يساء فهمه بشكل عميق ، اجتماعيا وطبيا. بمناسبة اليوم الدولي للمهق ، دعونا نتعلم بعض أهم الحقائق عن المهق ونساعد في نشر الوعي لإنهاء وصمة العار.

Badr's Photo Gallery

There is always something new happening at the Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals and Medical Centres. Here’s a closer look at some of the events that the Group has been a part of recently. Aside from inauguration of new branches, the gallery also includes awareness initiatives, celebration of events and CMEs.

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At Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals and Medical Centres, we believe in empowering our esteemed patients with the latest information on various diseases, their treatments and preventions. Our highly qualified doctors have taken off the time to provide relevant information in video presentations to help patients understand their diseases better.