Relationship between Hair loss and Psychiatry
Hair loss or telogen effluvium could be related to increase in stress levels and hence require the intervention of a Psychiatrist. Specialist Psychiatrist, Dr. Abdul Rishan explains the relationship between hair loss and Psychiatry. Do not hesitate to see a Psychiatrist when required. يمكن أن يكون فقدان الشعر أو تساقط الشعر الكربي مرتبطا بزيادة في مستويات التوتر ومن ثم يتطلب تدخل طبيب نفسي. الطبيب النفسي المتخصص ، الدكتور عبدول ريشان يشرح العلاقة بين فقدان الشعر والطب النفسي. لا تتردد في رؤية طبيب نفسي عند الحاجة.
Badr's Photo Gallery
There is always something new happening at the Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals and Medical Centres. Here’s a closer look at some of the events that the Group has been a part of recently. Aside from inauguration of new branches, the gallery also includes awareness initiatives, celebration of events and CMEs.
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At Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals and Medical Centres, we believe in empowering our esteemed patients with the latest information on various diseases, their treatments and preventions. Our highly qualified doctors have taken off the time to provide relevant information in video presentations to help patients understand their diseases better.